Photo "Peace" Copyright © Paolo Campisi, Sicilian Family Productions,
All Rights Reserved
To Know My Peace
For Elyse & Lena, my daughters
I heard a voice
it was whispering, gently,
rolling on the wind.
The voice said, "peace."
It spoke into my life,
into my soul.
In the word that I heard
there was a peace,
unlike any peace I've ever known.
And all of the matters
of which I had become
so intensely consumed,
somehow became transformed.
In this peace,
I saw my life in a new light.
To know this peace,
to have this peace,
to be at peace with
and within myself,
this was planted like a seed,
as a vision sown within me.
"It is where you need to be,"
the voice said to me,
"to know my peace.
Do you know my peace?
My peace I leave you."
P. J. Campise